It's None Of Your Business

People from other parts of China often complain that visiting Shanghai is like arriving in a strange city. It is about having a foreigner’s eye and different mentality and background that enable to capture small and major parts where western influence merges or interferes and conflicts with chinese culture.
It’s None Of Your Business is a social documetary project that has two parts: first is a careful and thoughtful exploration of Shanghai’s daily life through the prism of working activity, whether in direct or indirect way and second one is a series of quick visual notes on the go. Completely different in a visual form, they have one message, one mission, if to say so: revealing distinctive Shanghainese cultural identity and reflecting unique mix of chinese social consciousness in the city while trying not to interfere with subjects to keep the right time and space perspective for the viewer.

(The project is still ongoing. Named upon a Shanghainese proverb)